Forum Rules
Signing up in this forum is free! We insist that you abide by rules and regulations detailed below.
Free Access: All registered user has free access the download:
* 100 MB files per days, it doesn't import their size or type, include firmwares and custom packs.
After 10 registered days and with 10 messages. Only messages that help and contribute to the Top Sony community will be accepted.
* 10 posts - Plus10 - 225 MB per days.
* 50 posts - Plus50 - 250 MB per days.
* 100 posts - Plus100 - 275 MB per days.
* 500 posts - Plus500 - 300 MB per days.
* 1000 posts - Plus1000 - 325 MB per days.
* 2000 posts - Top Platinum 2000 - 350 MB per days.
Messages which won't be taken into account:
* Any message that does not comply with the Forum Rules
* Repeated messages.
* Messages which do not contribute as questions, irrelevant comments, senseless messages....
Messages in the Off-Topic forum will not be counted.
It is obligatory to use this form for requesting download access: Top Sony Forums - Request access to Download Area
All applications by other means will be rejected (email, private)
All applications will be sent into a waiting list in order of receipt. Before granting access, all messages from the user will be verified and only those who meet all requirements will have their access activated. Do not insist with new applications and wait for an answer.
Users who remain inactive for 1 month, without loggin in for 1 month will lose their access regardless of the number of messages they have.
The firmware files downloaded from TopSony are only meant to be used exclusively by the user. It is not allowed to disclose the files on other sites. Anyone who discloses Top Sony files, will have its access blocked.
Although the Top Sony administrators and moderators will try to edit all the unacceptable messages, it is impossible to check them all. All messages express the viewpoint of the author, and neither the owners of Top Sony, or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) accept responsibility for the content of any message.
Accepting these rules, you are ensuring that you will not write any message that is obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, hateful or which violates any rule.
* The official language used in this forum is English. Local terms, slang or a different language will not be accepted.
* It is not allowed to publish pornographic material.
* It is not allowed to shorten or modify words. Examples: Writing "u" instead of "you".
* We will not accept any kind of offensive language, hostile or with malicious intent.
* You are not allowed to write in capital letters.
* The color allowed in the forum will be the default, it will only be permitted to use a different color to highlight a particular text.
* It is not allowed to create a message just to thank, that is why there is a "thanks" button.
* The maximum size of signatures is 480 x 50 pixels including letters and images. Any signature with bigger images or more letters will be deleted.
* You are not allowed to publish links to other sites.
* It is absolutely forbidden to advertise any service.
* It is not permitted to send or post links to any file in the download area
* The firmware files downloaded from TopSony are only meant to be used exclusively by the user. It is not allowed to disclose the files on other sites. Anyone who discloses Top Sony files, will have its access blocked.
Owners of Sony Top reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic for any reason.