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  1. #1
    Developer Avatar de albertnet3
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    bs as argentina
    W705 R1GA031/w5

    Re: W705 SW-R1GA031

    hi I added (c) albertnet3 in this patch for only one reason, I rewritten all code in iar and change all code not used code of the versions above, think I deserve appear as one more of creator of this patch by my effort

    hola he añadido (c) albertnet3 en este parche por una sola razon, yo he reescrito todo el codigo en iar, y todo el codigo cambio y no use codigo de versiones anteriores, por eso creo que meresco estar como uno mas de creador de este parche por mi esfuerzo.

    Parche VKP;W705 SW-R1GA031
    ;Choice of style and mode of presentation of items and the GUI
    ;in OneofManyGUI and ListMenuGUI and add ability to select items by numeric keys.
    ;(c)ZEN, jamesbond22, D3mon, Juhu07,
    ;completely rewritten all code in IAR by albertnet3
    ;menu for setting the config
    ;(!)Storing the settings in the registry patches V.2
    ;posibility to setting 10 diferents animations to enter in pages
    ;posibility to show/hide softkeys
    ;show message if the items above is available, depending on the type of GUI.
    Miniaturas adjuntadas SelectionMeuStyle.gif  
    Archivos adjuntados
    Última edición por albertnet3; 23/06/2012 a las 23:24:22

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