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  1. #11
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805
    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;The choice of colors when viewing SMS
    ;(c) Sic
    ;(r) markross
    ;(p) johnliang
    13542CA: 1268311CA4321268FF27 0149884701E0B1B41212
    13542DA: 101C1268391CA0321268 0149884701E0BBB41212
    13542E8: 391C101C1268AC321268 004901E0C7B412128847
    13542F6: 311C101C1268A8321268 0149884701E0D3B41212
    135437A: 101C12688A235B00D258 0149884701E0DFB41212
    212B4B0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1268A43212680D497047101C1268A032
    212B4C0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 12680B497047101C1268AC3212680949
    212B4D0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7047101C1268A832126807497047101C
    212B4E0: 000000000000000000000000 126884235B00D25804497047
    212B4EC: 00000000 000000FF; Fon plain text
    212B4F0: 00000000 FFFFFFFF; color of text
    212B4F4: 00000000 FFFFFFFF; von selected text
    212B4F8: 00000000 000000FF; color of the selected tektsa
    212B4FC: 00000000 000000FF; basic background

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Delete Web-Pages Folder
    ;After patching delete folder manually
    ; (P) SOAD
    19D0fd8: 2F007400700061002F0075007300650072002F007700650062 00700061006700650000002F007400700061002F0075007300 650072002F0077006500620070006100670065002F0062006F 006F006B006D00610072006B00730000002F00740070006100 2F0075007300650072002F0077006500620070006100670065 002F00730061007600650064005F00700061006700650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    19D1334: 2F0063006100720064002F0077006500620070006100670065 0000002F0063006100720064002F0077006500620070006100 670065002F0062006F006F006B006D00610072006B00730000 002F0063006100720064002F00770065006200700061006700 65002F00730061007600650064005F00700061006700650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    19d4294: 2F007500730062002F00770065006200700061006700650000 0000002F007500730062002F00770065006200700061006700 65002F0062006F006F006B006D00610072006B007300000000 002F007500730062002F007700650062007000610067006500 2F00730061007600650064005F00700061006700650073

    Parche VKP; W890i Sw-R1FA035
    ; Off "sand clock" in the explorer/ usuwa "klepsydre" z menedzera plików
    ;(P) SOAD
    16EB2c2: 00b5 7047

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Change original EQ settings
    ;(c) Adow
    ;(p) johnliang
    20ACFBB: 0000000000 b1b2b3b4b5;Normal
    20ACFC0: 0500000003 b1b2b3b4b5;Bass
    20ACFC5: 0E00000003 b1b2b3b4b5;Mega Bass
    20ACFCA: 0000000600 b1b2b3b4b5;Voice
    20ACFCF: 0000000006 b1b2b3b4b5;Treble

    Parche VKP
    ;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Delete Games Applications from file manager
    ;(c) diezil
    ;(p) johnliang
    1A8C0A0: ACBAA811 00000000
    1A8C0A4: C4BAA811 00000000

    Editenlo por favor

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ; Opening table of symbols by long pressing key "*"
    ; You can on/off T9 function by triple pressing key "*"
    ; (!) HeapShift (0x2A2AC600)
    ; v.2
    ; (c) RandoM
    ; (p) johnliang
    166D354: 012E02D1201C06F07BF9 00480047F1B51212C046
    212B5F0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 012E03D0002E05D017480047201C00F0
    212B600: 00000000000000000000000000000000 22F8F9E7FFB415497D20C000221C00F0
    212B610: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1CF815480278012A05D0022A05D00122
    212B620: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0270FFBCE8E70132FAE701320270201C
    212B630: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F00DF8F5E7FFB50B480278032A01D0
    212B640: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00220260FFBD034D2847054B1847054B
    212B650: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1847FFFFF13167115FD3661137B61212
    212B660: 000000000000000000000000 812664115536671100C62A2A

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Heap shift! Patche działają bardziej stabilnie
    ;(c) den_po
    ;(p) SOAD
    ;(i) Bardzo dziwnie się ten patch robiło :P
    ;info 4 patchmakers: 2A2AC3EC...2A2BC3EB
    ;this info is firmware version dependent
    5772E: C8204003686080200001 0149884701E001B71212
    212B700: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB51921090400230122920303600430
    212B710: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0439013AFAD1286069600CBC0120C002
    212B720: 0000 00BD

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Change Alarm Melody Time
    16F7416: 2904090C 2900C046
    16F742A: 2904090C 2900C046
    0F6929C: 60EA0000 FFFFFFFF; Unlimited Time
    ;0F6929C: 60EA0000 30750000; 30 Seconds
    ;0F6929C: 60EA0000 C0D40100; 2 Minutes
    ;0F6929C: 60EA0000 E0930400; 5 Minutes

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode
    ;(с) SiNgle
    ;(p) johnliang
    165093C: 09D0 09E0

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Extended character table. Added 33 characters.
    ;v1.1 Fix
    ;(c) CyberMaster
    ;(r) SlaveMaster , Markross
    ;(p) johnliang
    16763D0: 3922 5A22
    1676438: 941BBC11 00B51212
    212B500: 00000000000000000000000000000000 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
    212B510: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1011121315161718191A1D1E1F202122
    212B520: 00000000000000000000000000000000 232425262728292A2B2C2D3031322F4C
    212B530: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2E003F0021002C003A003B002D002700
    212B540: 00000000000000000000000000000000 22002F0028002900F7F8FFF8F9F8FCF8
    212B550: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FEF8FDF8F4F8FAF8F6F8FBF8F5F8F8F8
    212B560: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2B002A003D005C004000260025003C00
    212B570: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3E0023000A0029205F003E20A3002400
    212B580: 00000000000000000000000000000000 AC20A200A500A700C203A900AE002221
    212B590: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A400BF00A1007C005B005D007B007D00
    212B5A0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 5E0060007E002621AB00BB0016210321
    212B5B0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0921BC00BD00BE009021912192219321
    212B5C0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 062211221A221E224822602261226422
    212B5D0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 65223A263B263C264026422660266326
    212B5E0: 00000000 65266626
    Última edición por Elitek550; 26/01/2009 a las 15:31:53 Razón: Mensajes consecutivos

  2. #12
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Отображение hex-кодов клавиш в "Служебн. тесты"-"Клавиатура"
    ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests"-"Keyboard"
    ; (c) RandoM
    ; (r) UltraShot
    ; (i) Va_st
    ; (p) vile
    1128DF3A: 085E6D1C00F02DF8B900 014A1047FFFFA1B71212
    1212B7A0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 085E6D1CFEB4041C031C10A20B2183B0
    1212B7B0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 684600F00CF8684600210B4A00230024
    1212B7C0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F00AF803B0FEBCB900064A104708B4
    1212B7D0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 024B9C4608BC6047014B1847A9825610
    1212B7E0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 E5646C1145DF2811FFFF00005B003000
    1212B7F0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7800250078005F006800650078005D00
    1212B800: 00000000 2C000000

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms
    ;Replace time for sms sound.
    ;© svinuk
    ;(p) johnliang
    ;(e) SOAD
    12B4854: 10270000 60EA0000 ;60 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 15333300;Longer than 6 Minutes 30 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 905F0100;90 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 C8AF0000;45 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 30750000;30 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 204E0000;20 Seconds

  3. #13
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Открывать файлы с расширением *.vkp встроенным браузером как текст, вместо файлов *.txt или *.htm
    ; Open files with extension *. vkp integrated browser as text files instead of *. txt or *. htm
    ;Ver 2
    ;(c) McG
    ;(p) polza
    ;1c5b71e: 7400780074 76006B0070 ;txt
    ;199BA6B: 747874 766B70
    1c5b87e: 680074006D 76006B0070 ;htm
    199ba5d: 68746D 766B70

  4. #14
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Rename recorded videos to whatever you like (MOV)
    ;Change ? to a letter
    ;Zmienia nazwy nagrań video na taką jaką chcesz (max 3 litery)
    1C69E22: 4D ??
    1C69E24: 4F ??
    1C69E26: 56 ??
    ;A = 41
    ;B = 42
    ;C = 43
    ;D = 44
    ;E = 45
    ;F = 46
    ;G = 47
    ;H = 48
    ;I = 49
    ;J = 4A
    ;K = 4B
    ;L = 4C
    ;M = 4D
    ;N = 4E
    ;O = 4F
    ;P = 50
    ;Q = 51
    ;R = 52
    ;S = 53
    ;T = 54
    ;U = 55
    ;V = 56
    ;X = 57
    ;Y = 58
    ;Z = 59

  5. #15
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms
    ;Replace time for sms sound.
    ;© svinuk
    ;(p) johnliang
    ;(e) SOAD
    12B4854: 10270000 60EA0000 ;60 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 15333300;Longer than 6 Minutes 30 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 905F0100;90 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 C8AF0000;45 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 30750000;30 Seconds
    ;12B4854: 10270000 204E0000;20 Seconds

  6. #16
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035 genreic
    ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card / phone)
    ;next to the name of the file manager
    ;(c) PSIX
    ;(p) SOAD
    104C188: ACF80000 FFFFFFFF;memory card
    104C18C: 5CEA0000 FFFFFFFF;phone

  7. #17
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;?????? ????? desktop
    ;/tpa/preset/system/desktop -> /usb/other/flash
    ;© Joker XT
    ;(p) SOAD
    19d41d8: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F0073 0079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F00 70 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C 00610073006800000000000000000000000000000000000000 00
    19d4210: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F0073 0079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F00 70002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C 006100730068002F0066006C00610073006800000000000000 00000000000000000000000000
    1b29368: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F0073 0079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F00 70002F0066006C006100730068 2F007500730062002F006F0074006800650072002F0066006C 006100730068002F0066006C00610073006800000000000000 00000000000000000000000000
    1bcbdc0: 2F007400700061002F007000720065007300650074002F0073 0079007300740065006D002F006400650073006B0074006F00 70002F0066006C006100730068

    Parche VKP;W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Change font size in phone status
    ;© WolosanoWsk
    ;(p) SOAD
    16FA936: 36D0 36E0

  8. #18
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/other/patches" through activity menu
    ;Activity Menu -> Internet -> Protected files(Bookmarks)
    ;(c) demion
    ;(r) Photographer
    ;(p) johnliang
    1A75848: 50F39C11B0229D11 00B8121210B81212
    212D800: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2F007400700061000000000000000000
    212D810: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2F0063006100720064002F006F007400
    212D820: 00000000000000000000000000000000 6800650072002F007000610074006300
    212D830: 00000000000000000000000000000000 68006500730000000000000000000000
    171B6B0: E7EC0000 96EA0000
    ;"Bookmarks" -> "Protected files"
    0FD85D0: DE2B0000 4E090000
    171B6B4: DE2B0000 4E090000

    Parche VKP
    ;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Now java is installed in the phone's memory by default
    ;Ver 2 Fix
    ;(c) McG
    ;(p) johnliang
    10402BA: 84B0 0436
    10402A0: 00F19C11 089D9C11

    Creditos a sus creadores...

  9. #19
    Recién Iniciado Avatar de ANGLE_TEAM
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP; W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Now java is installed in the phone's memory by default
    ; Now java is installed in the phone's memory by default
    ;Ver 2 Fix
    ; Ver 2 Fix
    ;(c) McG
    ; (c) McG
    ;(p) johnliang
    ; (p) johnliang
    + FFFE000
    10402BA: 84B0 0436
    10402BA: 84B0 0436
    10402A0: 00F19C11 089D9C1 1
    10402A0: 00F19C11 089D9C1 1

    Parche VKP; W890i SW-R1FA035
    ;Include the possibility of send java-applications from ams folder
    ; Include the possibility of send java-applications from ams folder
    ;Включить возможность передачи java-приложений
    ; Enable the transfer of java-applications
    ;(c) IronMaster
    ; (c) IronMaster
    ;(p) SOAD
    ; (p) SOAD
    1014B96: 9847051C 00250D6 0
    1014B96: 9847051C 00250D6 0

    Parche VKP; W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Cooperation of Player/VideoPlayer/Radio with the Silent mode
    ; Cooperation of Player / VideoPlayer / Radio with the Silent mode
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ; (c) jamesbond22
    ;(p) johnliang
    ; (p) johnliang
    + FFFE000
    11F59DC: 01 0 0
    11F59DC: 01 0 0

    Parche VKP; W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Work the radio in "Flight Mode"
    ; Work the radio in "Flight Mode"
    ; (c) CyberMaster
    ; (C) CyberMaster
    ; (p) SOAD
    ; (P) SOAD
    + FFFE000
    1369b87: D0 E0
    1369b87: D0 E0
    1366a2e: 002811D1 C046C04 6
    1366a2e: 002811D1 C046C04 6
    Última edición por Vnv_Nation™; 30/03/2009 a las 13:57:18 Razón: Mensajes consecutivos

  10. #20
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Cr@cShoT
    Fecha de ingreso
    Puno - Perú
    Lg G2 D805

    Respuesta: Tema oficial W890 SW-R1FA035

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;In the Settings menu---Cellular Communications Network GSM/3G network-item appears only HSDPA "
    ; (c) Sic
    ; (p,e) SOAD
    F7EE5A: 17D1 C046

    Parche VKP;W890 SW-R1FA035
    ;Replace positions items "Turn off" and "Search" in Radio
    ; (c) jamesbond22
    ; (p) SOAD
    136732E: 00 02
    1367342: 02 00

    Parche VKPW890 R1FA035
    ; Remove the question "Continue?" with the inclusion of Bluetooth in Flight Mode
    ; Now Bluetooth enabled immediately
    ;? 2007KrasH
    10F2959B: D0 E0

    Creditos a sus creadores

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