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  1. #121
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool


    - Corregido el soporte para los PDA.
    - Corregido bug en las operaciones FS interfaces serie para los PNX5230.
    - Añadido temporizador para los nuevos tipos de Test Point.
    - Corregidos pequeños bugs.

    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:23:56

  2. #122
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool


    - updated model list
    - updated bypass packages
    - added support for db3200 cid49,cid51,cid52 alternative security bypass
    - added support for db3200,db3210 cid53 flashing,gdfs operations,etc
    - added support for db3200,db3210 cid53 unlocking
    (via signature server, at the moment 2 credits required)
    1. select phone model
    2. mark "signed mode", "do full unlock instead usercode reset"
    3. press "unlock/repair"

    - added CORRECT PDA ACPU EROM recovery support for all PDA.
    1. select correct PDA model
    2. find corresponding EROM in dist\eroms\, add it to firmware area
    3. select correct com/ufs port
    4. press recovery
    5. connect turned off phone
    6. reflash phone via USB with normal firmware
    - few minor bugs fixed/added
    - few gui enhancements

    FULL SETUP v0.915035.rar
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:23:34

  3. #123
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool


    - fixed phonebook extraction for some old models
    - by accident db3200 cid49,51,52 alternative bypass was broken,fixed



    Version completa:

    RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

    download v0.915036.rar
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:25:28

  4. #124
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool


    - model list updated
    - signed mode A2 loaders updated to latest versions
    - some not important bugfixes

    FULL SETUP v0.915037.rar
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:23:01

  5. #125
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool


    - timeout for A2 flashing increased, that fixed error
    "can't get NET header" on some models in the end of filesystem flashing
    - unsigned mode A2 loaders updated to latest versions
    - some not important bugfixes

    FULL SETUP v0.915038.rar
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:22:40

  6. #126
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool Box


    - signed mode S1 loaders updated to latest versions
    - some not important bugfixes and addons

    FULL SETUP v0.915039.rar
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:22:11

  7. #127
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool Box


    - fixed csca activation for a2 phones. greatly sorry.

    RapidShare v0.915040

    4shared V0.915040
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:21:04

  8. #128
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool Box


    - added RESET mode for db200x,db201x,db2020 phones.
    after such operation phone will became developer (brown) state.
    you can do anything with phone (write gdfs, unlock,etc) while phone
    in that state.

    you can find all details in FAQ

    - as side effect, pda emptyboard fill now enabled.

    - added PATCH unlock for S1 phones (new security, old security, etc)
    notice, that phones must have NOT TAMPERED security zone.
    you can find all details in FAQ

    please note, that it is PATCH unlock and after fullflash
    phone will be locked again.

    same thing applies to possible incorrect operation - just flash phone.

    - as side effect, added possibility to flash unsigned firmware in any S1 phone.
    that allow users to repair phones with damaged trim area.
    that require s1 signature server, hopefully it will be online one day.

    Descarga: v0.915043.rar
    that is very-very beta software.
    s1 patch unlock should be tested throughly.
    we tested t303,t250,t280,r300,w302 but not other models,though they
    should be supported just fine.

    because of that, during short beta testing period price for
    s1 security bypass, db200x,db201x,db2020 reset operation will be ZERO credits.

    after short beta testing period we will setup corresponding price.
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:17:46

  9. #129
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool Box

    - added alternative security bypass for semc a2 cid53 phones.
    that allow you to repair completely dead a2 cid53 phones:
    - destroyed trim area
    - foreign gdfs
    - damaged semcboot

    please note, that alternative security bypass for a2 cid53
    IS NOT free and NOT STANDALONE (check prices for details)

    please note, that if you will execute alternative bypass mode for a2 cid53
    in order to unlock/flash/etc - you will lose device key and
    drm functions possible will be damaged.

    usage of a2 cid53 alternative security bypass exactly same as for a2 cid49/52
    and explained in details in FAQ.

    - because several guys researched "mystery" of a2 .cxc and released
    own tools, i forced to release ".vkp" patching support for a2 phones.
    please note,that ".vkp" patching will only work on phones in r&d state.

    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:17:29

  10. #130
    Top Sony Administrador Avatar de Elitek550
    Fecha de ingreso
    Buenos Aires
    iPhone 5s

    Respuesta: Soporte Oficial De SEtool Box


    - added full support for upcoming semc db3350 phones.
    as there are no phones on market, we can not test it,
    so support for db3350 marked as HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL.

    flashing/gdfs/filesystem operations should work flawlessly.
    full unlock via signature and "alternative bypass mode" SHOULD work too,
    but that things are absolutely not tested, so
    MAKE GDFS BACKUP before doing full unlock
    and only touch alternative security bypass if you absolutely crazy
    in any case, if phone will be killed - i will repair it for sure...
    well, you have been warned.

    please note, that alternative security bypass for a2 db3350 cid53
    IS NOT free and NOT STANDALONE (check prices for details)

    please note, that if you will execute alternative bypass mode for a2 cid53
    in order to unlock/flash/etc - you will lose device key and
    drm functions possible will be damaged.

    - in some VERY RARE cases lg db3200 phones became completely dead
    after unlock attempt or unlock/flashing procedure failed in start.
    that should be fixed now, at least i received many good reports.

    FULL SETUP (v0.915051.rar)
    Última edición por Elitek550; 13/10/2009 a las 00:17:12

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