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  1. #11

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Button play/pause working in more books
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) myrzeug

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Remove message "Sending cancelled" in OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer etc.)
    ;Now proper work
    ;(c) myrzeug
    ;Original idea by jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ; Ability to minimize the window file transfer via Bluetooth
    ;Original idea by Joker XT
    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p,e) myrzeug
    ;Removed unnecessary stuff

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;(p,e) myrzeug
    ;Improved code, proper work

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Add item "3G only" In the Settings menu: Communications Network GSM/3G network
    ;(c) Sic
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
    ;Clear message "Ringtone changed"
    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;VARIATIONS Kypcop pepedache cmc vcegda nA pepvom kontakte from list view
    ;Esi contact is not listed, it will be at the point "from contacts"

    ;(c) Joker XT
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030
    ;Do not display the "My Device" to search for devices, Bluetooth, if they are located not in the zone of visibility
    ;v1.2 + update bug fix
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Add file information display the size of the file in bytes.
    ;Теперь работает и с фотографиями
    ;(c) Tartes
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Leaves in the list of sending only Bluetooth
    ;Works when selecting multiple files

    ;(c) IronMaster
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores

  2. #12

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Ahora Java es instalado en la memoria del teléfono por defecto
    ;Ver. 2 Fix
    ;(c) McG
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Clear message "If you increase the backlight brightness is reduced operating
    time in standby mode

    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Delete folder conversations (My Friends)
    ;(c) Crystal
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Opening table of symbols by long pressing key "*"
    ;You can on/off T9 function by triple pressing key "*"
    ;Ver 4
    ;(c) RandoM, Joker XT
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030
    ;Clear window on lock buttons
    ;Now no delay occurs immediately block
    ;When locked immediately included sleep
    ;At no place screensaver
    ;v. 3
    ;(c) IronMaster
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode
    ;(с) SiNgle
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Дaтa и вpeмя в нaзвaнияx звyкoвыx зaпиceй
    ;The date and time in nazvaniyax zvykovyx zapicey
    ;(c) Joker XT
    ;(p) MahmudS

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores :a106:
    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 15/12/2009 a las 10:56:51

  3. #13

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Мигание красного светодиода при зарядке
    ;Когда батарея заряжена перестает мигать
    ;Blinking red LED while charging
    ;When the battery is fully charged stops blinking
    ;(!) HeapShift (4BB38948)
    ;(c) den_po, IronMaster
    ;(p) A1z

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Selection keys illuminate in SleepMode
    ;© MaPkiZzz aka Vital
    ;(p) A1z

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Фонарик на долгое удержание - "Громкость +"
    ;удерживаем "Громкость +" - фонарик включается
    ;ещё раз удерживаем - фонарик выключается
    ;FlashLight on/off by long pressed "Volume +"
    ;(!) HeapShift (4BB38948)
    ;(с) SiNgle
    ;(p) A1z

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores :a111:
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  4. #14

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Save files created by sound recorder (includes recordings calls) in "../other/Recordings"
    ;(c) myrzeug
    ;Original idea by Sic

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;FIX option to lock the keypad from Quick Access menu, lock is now possible anywhere
    ;(c) myrzeug

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Always lock the keyboard in inactivity,
    ;(!)Except when you have in foreground: Video playing, Java, Camera, InternetBrowser, in a Call, and in a recording
    ;(c) myrzeug

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores :a100:
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  5. #15
    Advanced Porter Avatar de antoniomun
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Changing the style of the menu, due to on / off switch
    ;© mojsa
    ;(p) antoniomun
    Archivos adjuntados
    Última edición por antoniomun; 28/12/2009 a las 20:26:14

  6. #16

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Replacement on / off mode without sound for switching on / off FlightMode the menu offered by the button on / off
    ;Display mode "Flight mode" on the second line of the operator

    ;(c) KrasH
    ;(p) A1z

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Add new item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio
    ;Records are stored in / card / music / records
    (!) Create the folder manually!
    (!) If the sound recording is not, you must return the original sound driver

    ;(c) KrasH
    ;(p) A1z

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Clear message "Unplug the charger from the nest to conserve battery power."
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) A1z

    creditos a sus creadores y portadores

  7. #17
    Advanced Porter Avatar de antoniomun
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Bueno amigos les dejo unos parches portados por mi:

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Change way to showing Activity Menu
    ;Now Activity Menu showing like File Manager
    ;Full screen
    ;© jamesbond22
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Cambio de ruta de /tpa/preset/system/av a /card/other/visualizaciones/av
    ;(r) ???
    ;(c) Antoniomun
    ;(!) copiar el folder "av" a la ruta nueva /card/other/visualizaciones/av (Ayuda al Walkman 4 de DB3210)

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
    ;Change font size in main menu
    ;For example Messaging, WALKMAN and etc..
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Ability to set SWF file as the startup screen
    ;Go here: Settings -> Display -> Startup screen -> Picture -> Pictures
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;(DB3210) blacklizard
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Add-on for blacklizard™ Xtreme™ HD Acoustics
    ;Gives deep bass and better audio quality
    ;Suitable for bass lover
    ;© blacklizard
    ;P) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
    ;Remove background on Radio
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Changing the style of the menu, due to on / off switch
    ;© mojsa
    ;(p) antoniomun

    Archivos adjuntados
    Última edición por antoniomun; 22/03/2010 a las 13:56:05

  8. #18
    Advanced Porter Avatar de antoniomun
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Bueno les dejo mas parches que hice:

    Parche VKP;w715 SW-R1GA030
    ;??????????? ????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ???
    ;Capacidad para mantener el contacto, para no introducir un nombre
    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030
    ;Clear message "Profiles :..." when choosing profile
    ;(c) IronMaster, Joker XT
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Change the display of submenus
    ;(c) AlexMasteR
    ;(p) Antoniomun
    ;Replace XX with desired menu style
    ;01 - Original
    ;02 - Original
    ;03 - Fullscreen with statusbar
    ;04 - Fullscreen
    ;05 - Information box style (even more buggy)
    ;06 - Information box style (buggy)
    ;07 - Information box style
    ;08 - Acitivity menu style - background not taken from theme
    ;09 - Activity menu style - background taken from theme

    Parche VKP;w715 R1GA030
    ;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked.
    ;© Joker XT
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030
    ;Claro mensaje "Guardado en" al instalar aplicaciones Java
    ;Mensaje claro "a salvo ..." cuando instalando Java
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Change GUI File Manager
    ;ver 1.0
    ;(c) Therion
    ;(P) Antoniomun

    Parche VKP;W715 SW-R1GA030
    ;Choose time for showing new track indicator
    ;(c) McLaud
    ;(p) Antoniomun
    Última edición por antoniomun; 23/03/2010 a las 18:56:34

  9. #19
    Advanced Porter Avatar de antoniomun
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Bueno aqui les dejo otro parche semicomplejo.

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Adding to the Radio item "WAKMAN"
    164c1c2: 1649A0692A1C23F648F9 01480047FFFF6157DB15
    1db6760: 00000000000000000000000000000000 08A201321221A069094B98470D4A1221
    1db6770: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A069084B9847A0692A1C0749044B9847
    1db6780: 00000000000000000000000000000000 074B184700B55D20044B984700BDFFFF
    1db6790: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A1EF171465881C14B20F0000956B0C14
    1db67a0: 0000000000000000 CDB1641548120000

    Pronto otros parches....
    Última edición por albertnet3; 30/03/2010 a las 23:07:35

  10. #20
    Advanced Porter Avatar de antoniomun
    Fecha de ingreso

    Respuesta: W715 SW-R1GA030

    Bueno amigos les dejo otro parche:

    Parche VKP;W715 R1GA030 GEN
    ;Adding "Radio" to walkman more list
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;(p) Antoniomun
    fdf150: 0121 1321
    fdf15a: 0121 1321
    fdf166: 0121 1321
    fdf172: 0121 1321
    fdf144: 321C002100F0B6FA 004A10470158DB15
    1db6800: 00000000000000000000000000000000 321C0021184FB847206A2A1C0121154F
    1db6810: 00000000000000000000000000000000 B847206A321C0121114FB847206A2A1C
    1db6820: 00000000000000000000000000000000 06A501350121114FB847206A321C094E
    1db6830: 00000000000000000000000000000000 01210D4FB84706480047FFFFFFB50648
    1db6840: 00000000000000000000000000000000 064FB8470A48014FB847FFBD956B0C14
    1db6850: 00000000000000000000000000000000 4DE1FD143E0900004075A41505CC2714
    1db6860: 00000000000000000000000000000000 65881C14A1EF1714B9E6FD14B1E6FD14
    1db6870: 00000000 40080000
    Última edición por albertnet3; 30/03/2010 a las 23:07:18

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