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  1. #41
    Avanzado Avatar de Van_Persie
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    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Bateria & Señal Satio SysGFX Patch
    By Kaosblade

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  2. #42

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Disable reject with double press volume keys when incoming call
    ;(c) Amir_82111
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Keylock and sleepmode at the end of the voice conversations
    ;(c) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;RF on/off reject mode with press button "on/off" when incomming call
    ;(c) Amir_82111
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Change style and functionality of Quick Access menu
    ;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Phone status and Profiles
    ;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display informations about patch
    ;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c"
    ;(c) michlantecuhtli
    ;(r) 2007KrasH
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Seleciona estilo del menu normal o full screeen

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen
    ;Choose a style and gui here: Main Menu -> Options -> Styles/GUI
    ;(c) ZEN
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
    ;(i) Conflict with patch "Extracting frames on Video application by button "c""
    ;(c) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Change list menu GUI
    ;(c) Therion
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    creditos a sus creadores y portadores :a103:
    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 29/11/2009 a las 15:20:47

  3. #43

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Change GUI when is writing the name of the phone (BT)
    ;© k790alex
    ;(p) Juhu07

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Delete synchronization in Organizer & Settings
    ;© Pakoko !!!
    ;(e,p) Juhu07

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores

  4. #44

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Change splash to sp.png
    ;Place file sp.png to tpa/preset/system/settings
    ;(c) Juhu07

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Change splash to splash.png
    ;Place file splash.png tpa/preset/system/settings
    ;(c) Juhu07
    ;fixed by radwkw31

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Change name firmware version in services menu.
    ;Service->service info->software info

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Extended character table. Added 45 characters.
    ;(c) CyberMaster
    ;(p) Juhu07

    creditos a sus creadores
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    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 01/12/2009 a las 22:47:34

  5. #45

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Remove Item "Turn Off" In Radio
    ;© K790alex

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  6. #46

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;По нажатию на кнопку Откл. сворачивается плеер, пункт "Свернуть" заменен на "Отключить"
    ;By pressing the button to Off. minimized player, click the "Collapse" is changed to "Disable"

    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Maximization/minimization Radio and WALKMAN throughout long press the button Walkman
    ;If nothing is running then action - opening/closing WALKMAN
    ;When Radio or WALKMAN is open, pressing it again will curtail its
    ;(c) Ploik
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Maximization/minimization Radio and WALKMAN throughout long press the button Walkman
    ;If nothing is running then action choosed in MoreList of WALKMAN -opening/closing Radio or WALKMAN
    ;When Radio or WALKMAN is open, pressing it again will curtail its
    ;(c) Ploik
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Button play/pause working in more books.
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores
    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 04/12/2009 a las 16:17:08

  7. #47

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Book manger

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Book Manager for A2
    ;The ability to manage all the books have been added in the 2th tab of menu tab activity (naturally)
    ;you can slip between the books (internal applications and java app.), and also closed
    ;Show the FreeHeap in MB
    ;Added the ability to open the activity menu ALWAYS!
    ;Added the ability to see the activity menu in landscape mode!
    ;Support for custom names of the books, on file bookman.ini (/usb/other/bookman.ini)
    ;Added Free Heap in the title of the BM tab
    ;Added icons for books and java (icons of books are taken from bookman.ini, icons for java are taken from internal system)
    ;Added SETTINGS Menu from BookManager, with the ability to choose: 1 which window to see when open the menu activity menu, 2. the list mode
    ;Now when you close an application/book, the BookManager not close, the list and the state of heap is updated
    ;(i) Minimalize books
    ;(c) myrzeug
    ;(p) jamesbond22, with a little help, LOL

    Deben de poner el archivo bookman.ini en (/usb/other/bookman.ini)
    Descarguenlo de AQUI

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Minimalize books
    ;Addon for the correct operation of some patches who uses a function minimization books
    ;(c) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Added ability to minimize the sound recorder application
    ;To maximize the application you can re-enter from the menu (or from BM), the recording will not stop
    ;Added icon indicator in the status bar
    ;Now the application is not finished in return to the standby (by press onoff button from any other book/application, or when you run a shortcut)
    ;(i) Minimalize books
    ;(c) myrzeug
    ;(p) jamesbond22
    ;Original idea by ZEN

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Addon for BookManager patch
    ;Do not close the running books/applications when you run a shortcut from the Activity Menu
    ;(!) the books are placed in the background, and the only way to maximize them is from the BM
    ;(i) Minimalize books
    ;v 0.1
    ;(c) myrzeug
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Creditos a sus creadores y a sus portadores :a110:
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  8. #48

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;w595-r3ef001
    ;change the style of the gui "move to" and "copy to"
    ;(c) Mcming1989
    ;(P) EXTASIS

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Recording voice conversations with the long pressing button "Volume -"
    ;A second press will stop recording
    ;(c) ZEN
    ;(e) Ploik
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Add left softkey "Minim. for playing music in FileManager
    ;To stop playing you must go to book "File Options" from Activity Menu
    ;(!) Need to use patch BookManager + Minimalize books
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;Oryginal idea by yener90

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call
    ;Added action for press left softkey "Mute" - mute for incoming call
    ;Added action for press button "c" - RF on/off reject mode
    ;(c) Sic
    ;(e) jamesbond22, with help amir_82111
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Changes the realplayer icon as other during the minimization of the sound recorder
    ;Addon to patch "Added ability to minimize the sound recorder application"
    ;(c) Leito07

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call
    ;Added action for press left softkey "Mute" - mute for incoming call
    ;Added action for press button "c" - RF on/off reject mode
    ;(c) Sic
    ;(e) jamesbond22, with help amir_82111
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application by button "c"
    ;(i) Conflict with patch "Extracting frames on Video application by button "c""
    ;v. fixed
    ;(c) jamesbond22

    Creditos a su creadores y portadores
    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 10/12/2009 a las 13:02:55

  9. #49

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Boton de función "Play / Pausa" pulsando el boton "Llamar"
    ;(c) 2007KrasH
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 R3EF001
    ;Al pulsar el botón de apagado. "Reproductor minimizado, haga clic en" minimizar "se cambia a" apagar "
    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p) Juhu07

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores
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    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 12/12/2009 a las 12:51:04

  10. #50

    Avatar de DJ ANSER
    Fecha de ingreso
    México CDMX
    Xiaomi Mi 11

    Respuesta: W595 SW-R3EF001

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Añadir a desplegar una ventana oculta ingreso / transferencia de archivos vía Bluetooth
    ;Durante la transmisión / recepción botón de encendido / apagado BT sirve despliegue ventana oculta
    ;Obras en el menú contextual, etc actividad

    ;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Añadir tecla "Minimizar" para el envío de archivos a través de Bluetooth
    ;(c) E1kolyan
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Gestión de los botones
    ;Acción 1: Pulse el botón "VOL +" en bloqueo - activar / desactivar el modo silencioso
    ;Acción 2: Pulse el botón de "llamada" en bloqueo - Convocatorias abiertas
    ;Multimedia Acción 3: Pulse el botón "VOL-" en bloqueo - abierto
    ;ACTION4: pulse el botón "actividad" de bloqueo - abierto de mensajería
    ;ACTION5: pulse el botón "c" en modo de espera - Open Radio
    ;(c) Joker XT
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Change the background color and color of text in StandbyInput
    ;(c) jamesbond22
    ;(e) myrzeug

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Addon for the patch "Copying / moving files in any folder"
    ;Possibility to display files *.txt, *.htm, *.html and *.swf in the 4th Tab
    ;(c) yener90
    ;(e) IronMaster
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Change Quick Access menu style
    ;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Phone status and Profiles
    ;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display information about patch
    ;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c"
    ;Now on title showing free bytes on heap
    ;(c) michlantecuhtli
    ;(r) 2007KrasH, Ploik
    ;(e,p) jamesbond22

    Parche VKP;W595 SW-R3EF001
    ;Add to deploy a hidden window admission / transfer files via Bluetooth
    ;During the transmit / receive button on / off BT serves unfolding hidden window
    ;Works from the menu, shortcut, etc. aktiviti
    ;v1.0 Fix - Fixed minor bugs
    ;(c) MaPkiZzz aka Vital
    ;(p) jamesbond22

    Creditos a sus creadores y portadores
    Última edición por DJ ANSER; 13/12/2009 a las 12:24:55

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