Ver la versión completa : [PARCHES] Parches w610 R1KG001

14/09/2008, 22:21:28
bueno pues veo k no hay parches para este flash asi k voy ir haciendo unos cuantos y los ire posteando aki ... el k desee poner unos es bienvenido .. aka unos cuantos

20/09/2008, 11:27:21
Doy mis aportes:

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;?????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ?? *.mp4
;???????? ?? ????????!
; Replacement of expansion of record of video on *.mp4
; Quality does not vary!
;© mobilefree
;(p) Tocinonaro
018BA193: 3300670070 6D00700034
0192C1C0: 3300470050 4D00500034

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;Радио без гарнитуры
;Radio without headsets
;(с) SiNgle
;(p) Tocinonaro
00FB974C: 01D1 01E0

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;Смена времени звучания мелодии при входящем смс
;Replace time for sms sound. improved for higher times
;© svinuk
;(Е) HierOS, svinuk
;(P) Tocinonaro
;00EFAE90: 10270000 60EA0000;60 sec
00EFAE90: 10270000 FFFFFFFF;Unlimited

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;Отключаем мастер настройки при смене сим-карт
;Disable setupwizard
;© den_po
;(p) Tocinonaro
0116D494: 02D1 09E0

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;Просмотр TPA в прочем
;Look TPA in Other
;© Crystal
;(p) Tocinonaro
015BA1F4: 2F0075007300650072002F006F007400680065007200 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;Игнорирование "Полномочий" для явы
;Remove java security restrictions
;(с) the_laser
;(p) Tocinonaro
01127B57: D0 E0
01127B63: 00 01

;record the radio via the Track id in the folder / card / rec
;zapraszam na laszlo.my-se.pl
;patch work to create a folder in advance / rec at the root of the memory card
;Then it create an empty file named MR_Rec.amr. @ attribute and the "read-only"
;, then connect a headset, goes to radio, choose the Track id,
;while waiting, "Selection of sample music" then click activity and Hit the button "C"
;then goes in the rec folder on the memory card, listen to the radio and records rejoice
;(p) Tocinonaro
0186B52A: 7400700061002F007400 63006100720064002F00
0186B534: 65006D007000 720065006300

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;?????? ????????? "????? ?? ??????? ? ???????" ? "????????? ? ??? ???????"
;Remove "Word not found in the dictionary"
;Remove messages "is Added in my dictionary"
;© IronMaster
;(p) Tocinonaro
011A23E6: 00F055F802E0 C046C046C046
011A30D4: FFF726FA C046C046

;W610 SW-R1KG001
;?????? ????????? "??????? ??????? "*", ????? "????. ???"."
;? ????????? "?????? ??????? "????. ???"."
;© IronMaster, Mobilefree.ru
;(p) Tocinonaro
003117AE: C7F700FF C046C046 ; oprima * y luego desbloquear.
0030C886: C7F7D3FB C046C046 ; ahora oprima desbloquear.