Ver la versión completa : hola tengo cruiser pro2 id06 puedo liberar cid52 ?

27/11/2007, 14:50:11
buenas a todo me gustaria que me ayudaran tengo la cruiser pro2 id06 la atualize a la version 13.01 pero no me sale la opcion unlock rsa con los cid52 alguien prodia decirme que puedo hacer plisss urgente agradesco de su ayuda gracias..................:47::47::47:

como puedo hacer para convertir mi cruiser pro2 id06 a la id07 ?plissssssss espero su ayuda gracias.................

27/11/2007, 14:56:12
buenas a todo me gustaria que me ayudaran tengo la cruiser pro2 id06 la atualize a la version 13.01 pero no me sale la opcion unlock rsa con los cid52 alguien prodia decirme que puedo hacer plisss urgente agradesco de su ayuda gracias..................:47::47::47:

No amigo, no existe ninguna posibilidad que puedas liberar los SE cid52 y es porque el cruiser team dejo de trabajar en la id06 solo estan actualizando la smart card con id 07 desde ya te comento mejor invierte en la card plus 07 para que ya puedas liberar sin problemas RED cid52

27/11/2007, 15:00:36
Hola elcangri.2

Mira ya checaste esta informacion...

para desbloquear gratis es el mismo proseso de siemrpe

cable usb osea DCU60

ver la vercion del software

tienes que ver la vercion del software de tu telefono para cuando flashees el main sea la misma vercion que tenia .

conectar el telefono con C

-unlock rsa (ahora este proseso demora 5 minutos y te pedira desconetar la bateria 2 veces) ya no descontara creditos logs es gratis
-flash main (con la misma vecion que ya tenia antes)
-direct unlock

si no flashea el main con la misma vercion que tenias tendras que flashear main , fs y cutomisar ...

aca el proseso de un k790 cid51 pasado a ci52 desbloqueado y flasheado a R6BC002 todo en 1 proseso:

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.01 ready!
Do NOT connect the phone at this time!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via SEMC DCU-60...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
USB connection established.
Baseband chip ID: 0x9900
Protocol version: 3.1
Booting via EROM...
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 51
Phone color: Red
EROM version: R3A016
Trying CID51 recovery applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 0s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 061201 1554 NPA4_CXC1329130_DB2020_...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone CID: 51
Phone color: Red
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FL...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Modify GDFS --- ]
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CS...
Initializing CS applet...
Starting up GDFS service...
Upgrading to CID52...

[ --- Finalize GDFS --- ]
Turning off phone...
GDFS access terminated.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via SEMC DCU-60...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
USB connection established.
Baseband chip ID: 0x9900
Protocol version: 3.1
Booting via EROM...
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 52
Phone color: Red
EROM version: R3A016
Trying CID52 recovery applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 0s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 061220 1711 NPA4_CXC1329130_DB2020_...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone CID: 52
Phone color: Red
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FL...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:20
Flash process done.
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:02
Flash process done.
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 070125 1328 GENCXC1250562_DB2020_CS...
Initializing CS applet...
Starting up GDFS service...
Starting up filesystem, please wait...
Connecting to server...
Connection established, checking server status...
Server version: 2.30
Generating witness...
Your ID: user_EB424C7F
Number of preceding users: 0
Credit: 5
Received successfully.
Calculating unlock data...
Received successfully.
Time: 00:00:04
Removing RSA lock...
Restarting phone...
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
Sending applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Applet ID: 061220 1711 NPA4_CXC1329130_DB2020_...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FL...
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:03:25
Flash process done.
Please disconnect the phone and reinsert its battery!
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
Waiting for acknowledge...
Please disconnect the phone and reinsert its battery!
Connect the phone while holding its C button!
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 070516 0311 CRU4_CXC1329130_DB2020_...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 070516 0201 CRUCXC1329134_DB2020_PR...

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "K790i_CXC1250477_Generic_R6BC002_Red52.ck79sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:03:53
Flash process done.

[ --- Flash Raw File System --- ]
Flash file: "K790a_CXC1250491_America2_R6BC002_Red52.ck79fs"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:01:47
Flash process done.

[ --- Direct Unlock --- ]
Analyzing firmware...
Preparing for direct unlock...
Status: Success [O]
Creating firmware backup file...
Preparing to program flash...
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:02
Flash process done.
If the phone cannot be turned on anymore, report its type and firmware version.
Starting up GDFS service...
Unlocking phone...
Recalculating CRCs...

[ --- Customize File System --- ]
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 061114 0304 CRUCXC1250562_DB2020_CS...
Initializing CS applet...
Starting up GDFS service...
Starting up filesystem, please wait...
Building customization...
Customizing phone...
Writing CDA Article MS string...
New value: CDA102568/107
Writing CDA Version MS string...
New value: R4A
Writing Default Article MS string...
New value: cxc1250491
Writing Default Version MS string...
New value: R1KG001
Writing langpack string...
New value: AMERICA_2
Writing country...
New value: Generic Trade

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.


Para que funcione sin cobrarte creditos
Tienes que ir a la pestaña common arriba izquierda das en settings luego en server y luego tildas la opcion DB2020 free si no haces eso te va a seguir cobrando creditos... Espero les sirva

mas informacion en este link

Espero te ayude de algo....

28/11/2007, 23:22:13
@rewell el unlock de DB2020 (y similares) solo funciona con Cruiser Plus (-07), la unica alternativa presentada por Cruiser Team para los usuarios con ID -06 es usar D-Client