Can this be repaired and how? Phone won't start or connect using C button.

Action journal
10:23:28   Flash
10:23:28   Allows to change languages supported by the phone and upgrade its firmware.
10:23:28   Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 32-bit
10:23:28   Application version: 0.28.4254
10:23:28 . The action name is 'Flash'
10:23:28   Selected phone type: W580
10:23:28   Selected connection method: USB ROM
10:23:28 i Instructions
10:23:28 i 1. Make sure the phone battery is charged to at least 50%.
10:23:28 i 2. Switch off the phone!
10:23:28 i 3. Remove the phone battery and wait at least 5 seconds, then insert the battery back to the phone!
10:23:28 i 4. Press and hold buttons 2 and 5, then connect the cable to the phone!
10:23:28 . The action started waiting for the user
10:23:34 . The action finished waiting for the user
10:23:34   Connecting via Generic EMP USB Flash Device (USB1)...
10:23:34   Device driver version:
10:23:35   Entering baseband CPU service mode...
10:23:35   Detected chipset: DB2020 '9900
10:23:35   Boot mode: ROM
10:23:35   Sending loader...
10:23:35   Waiting for loader response...
10:23:35   Flash chip manufacturer: Intel®
10:23:35   Flash chip ID: 897E
10:23:35   IMEI: 01162900002692
10:23:35   OTP CID: 51
10:23:35   OTP area status: Locked
10:23:35   Product type: Retail
10:23:35   Effective CID: 52
10:23:35   Effective color: Red
10:23:35 i Waiting for connection to the server...
10:23:44   Receiving news...
10:23:45 i News
10:23:45 i From 1st of December you can unlock Android based SE phones with 1 Year Omnius license for only 0.7 Supreme credits
10:23:53   Sending loader...
10:23:53   Waiting for loader response...
10:23:54   Memory patch result: 0
10:23:54   Flash chip lot number: 28065610
10:23:54   Flash chip wafer number: 609
10:23:54   Sending loader...
10:23:54   Waiting for loader response...
10:23:54 i Cross-CID flashing is disabled.
10:23:54   Waiting for flash files to load...
10:23:54   Writing file W580_R8BE001_MAIN_GENERIC_LA_RED52.mbn...
10:27:46   Writing file W580_R8BE001_FS_AMERICA_1_RED52.fbn...
10:29:34   Sending loader...
10:29:35   Waiting for loader response...
10:29:36   Initializing GDFS access...
10:30:18   Starting file system...
10:33:23 e Error: Failed to start filesystem
10:33:23 e Failed!
10:33:23 . The action entered shutdown phase
10:33:23 . The action reported failure
Error code
# 239A481FECB4C3D3
Error details
5F 2F DE 18 D7 FF D7 34 FB F4 CC DD D1 EA 91 29 
23 4E 9B F8 39 AC 57 F3 4B 8A B3 8C 78 5D 61 E8 
73 D8 65 C9 D9 3E 37 E2 9B F5 1D B1 CF E4 B7 00 
6D D3 FB E8 77 58 34 1C 41 AD 43 61 E1 66 01 0A 
ED 51 D5 09 39 09 E2 5D 6B 3B BD B0 6F 20 D6 90 
98 A9 0B 25 17 8E 39 F6 8C 32 88 FB 41 BA A1 D8 
AE 7D 75 48 C9 1F 09 2C 25 B0 EE 42 15 FD 21 D5 
03 F2 BB A2 4A F4 65 9A 85 37 D3 E0 5F D0 ED 03 
23 DF 45 89 F9 DE A9 BE 96 39 78 07 01 77 11 54 
5D D8 64 AA E0 DA D7 9D CB F6 CD 0E 01 F5 E1 BD 
0D 55 C0 C1 09 A3 49 6C 1B 8C BA 25 2A 48 1F 95 
43 B2 85 62 01 75 06 F9 3B 46 6D 20 9F E8 7F 84 
93 26 FA 78 F7 5F 