Looks good louis your guide to change menus without accessing Far or XS++
But I have a few questions before trying it:

The files in the pack you posted are like the ones who call the true icons to be displayed, right?

Does it matter what kind of menu you want? I mean like Equalizer types or original ones.

You said "create custom menus and locate a menu in each one". Ok. Let's say I make folders 1,2,3,4 and 5. One of them should be named Live in order activate the menu you want. Then if you want to change a menu, you need to change the name to one of the folders to Live. And here's my doubt. You can't have 2 live folders in same directory, so you need to change name first to the "old" live folder. If you change the name to the active menu/folder, does not happens anything? An error or something? I mean in the inmediate time before you restart.

In the folders you create, it needs to be the icons with their menu.ml? Or just the icons?

What about the menus with just 12 icons with no unselected ones?

And if I want the original one too? I need just to copy the menu.ml in one folder?

I have experience with menu icons, but trying it without accessing Far Manager, is a little scary to me ;)
