Quote Originally Posted by louis*cyphre View Post
The following backup procedure is for ALL phones that return 0(zero) bytes in files when copied by FAR MANAGER to computer!

So, you have decided to play with changing specific parameters of the phone like:
- camera driver
- acoustic drivers
- custom icons
- flash themes
- system fonts
- startup/shutdown logo screen
- sms storage
- menu.ml, layout.xml and customize.xml files

and now your phone is not what you got used/not functional.

Options that you have are:
1. complete flash of the phone losing 100% of the content in the phone, or
2. partial flash with 90% of the settings left as they were before.

Option 1
- the easy way of resurecting your phone flashing MAIN+FS+CUSTOMIZE

Option 2
-backing up FS+ CUSTOMIZE with far manager
-Flashing FS + uploading BACKUP CUSTOMIZE with far/XS++

The benefits:

Option 1
- You will have the phone in "fresh" unmodified state (unmodified firmware)
- takes you only 10-20 minutes

Option 2
- You will have the phone in the 90% same state as before you made any changes
- Saves your Bluetooth connection and devices, SMS messages,MMS Messages ,Custom Icons, All drivers, Phone stored pictures, Phone stored ringtones, Phone stored themes, Installed fonts.
- takes you 30-60min

Option 1 ****** BEGINNER USERS *******
- as it has been discussed all over forum, the procedure is rather simple.
1. Find correct MAIN and FS file (same version for your phone Example R1GB001 for K800)
2. Find correct FS and customization (same region Example EU_2 for both for K800)
3. Flash with XS++ or SEtool2_lite. (tutorials in tutorials page of the forum)

__________________________________________________ ___________________
Option 2 ******ADVANCED USERS ONLY*******
- Get FarManager
- Get XS++ v2.2
- Get USB Flash Driver

Anyways, in order to backup your phone data (TPA and SYSTEM folders) you will need to do the following :
1. download cecho program from The Code Project - Page not Found - Free Source Code and Tutorials or from the attachements
2. using far manager copy your phone data to a folder, for example c:\k800-backup , i know you'll get 0 sized files, but we need the folder and file structure
3. copy in that folder the cecho.exe file and the following batch file BAT.zip
4. using a text editor open the resulting default_upgrade.xml file and replace all occurances of "c:\k800-backup" with "" (empty string), of course if your folder was different then use that for replacing.
5. replace all "\" characters with "/" characters (if you don't do this then no files will be copied, i discovered it the hard way :-p)
6. upload the resulting default_upgrade.xml to your phone to /tpa/preset/default
7. restart the phone (actually start it as it was off)
8. copy your backed up phone data from card/other/backup found on the card, you'll actually see a new folder called backup on the phone's removable drive when you mount the phone in "file transfer mode"

- To Correctly download IFS and QUEUE folders they have to be replaced with CAPITAL LETTERS in default_upgrade.xml file

For my k800i i've got about 12 Mb of files as well as W660
I didn't have to do a master reset or anything else, just start up the phone and wait for it to boot (took about 1 minute to copy the files, you don't see it copying, just that it stays quite a lot at the "Please wait" screen)

Also, don't worry about the XML file, it gets deleted automatically.
cecho.zip ( 1.86K ) : 93
BAT.zip ( 549bytes ) : 92

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******* CREDIT GOEST TO verszipo from se-nse *******THANX MAN!*****
__________________________________________________ ___________________


- Create backup folder in C:\ drive (root) or any root drive,like example above
example C:\k800 or D:\k800
- This is for DEFAULT_UPGRADE.XML file to create proper phone folder tree.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="IFS/bluetooth/BT_MRU_List.cfg" dest="card/other/backup/IFS/bluetooth/BT_MRU_List.cfg"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="IFS/corrections/BT_DynamicSettingsInfo.txt" dest="card/other/backup/IFS/corrections/BT_DynamicSettingsInfo.txt"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="IFS/corrections/BT_FactorysettingsInfo.txt" dest="card/other/backup/IFS/corrections/BT_FactorysettingsInfo.txt"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="system/registry/data8_v1.block" dest="card/other/backup/system/registry/data8_v1.block"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="system/registry/index_v13.bin" dest="card/other/backup/system/registry/index_v13.bin"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="system/settings/fmradio/preset_list.bin" dest="card/other/backup/system/settings/fmradio/preset_list.bin"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="tpa/drm/info/SonyEricsson_SonyConnect_RI_CA.crt" dest="card/other/backup/tpa/drm/info/SonyEricsson_SonyConnect_RI_CA.crt"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="tpa/pdh/0000/0000a" dest="card/other/backup/tpa/pdh/0000/0000a"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="tpa/pdh/0000/DEFS" dest="card/other/backup/tpa/pdh/0000/DEFS"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="usb/music/ringtones/Axwell.mp3" dest="card/other/backup/usb/music/ringtones/Axwell.mp3"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="usb/music/ringtones/evil.mp3" dest="card/other/backup/usb/music/ringtones/evil.mp3"/>
<file-op parse-mask="fa" op="copy" source="usb/music/ringtones/GoodLife.mp3" dest="card/other/backup/usb/music/ringtones/GoodLife.mp3"/>

__________________________________________________ ___________________
----------------------Step two--------------------------

-After your phone has generated the following folders:
QUEUE (optional)
USB (optional)

Copy them to your backup folder and XS++ (files_to_upload)

__________________________________________________ ___________________
-----------------------Step Three---------------------------------------------

-Use XS++ and Flash FS (file system corresponding to one in your phone Example R1GB001)

-After FS has been flashed go to FSX in XS++ and click start FSX ( you have to have backup folders: IFS, SYSTEM and TPA folders places in files_to_upload folder)

-After XS++ has completed operations and displays DISCONNECT PHONE, then do so. Turn it on and WOW, you almost have it all back!!!!


*********************END OF BACKUP TUTORIAL********************

*****************APPLYING ICONS WITHOUT FAR/XS++****************

SE have a nice little developer feature that allows you to create shortcuts within the FS to files outside the FS. So for example when the phone looks for icon1_unselected.png, it looks in tps/preset/system/menu then sees a shortcut pointing to usb/other/menu, and shows the file at that location instead.

Using this principle, we can create shortcuts to menu sets within the phone's user accessible memory, and therefore we can change menu sets without using far or xs++ (once we have installed the shortcuts - that part needs far or xs++). All that is required is a phone restart to read the new icon set.

Here is a pack including instructions and the menu shortcuts you will need.

Download the pack, and follow these instructions:

1. Using FAR or XS++, copy the shortcuts to tpa/preset/system/menu
2. create a folder in usb/other called 'menu'. Create a folder in usb/other/menu for each of your custom menus. Menu icons must be named in the format icon1_selected.png, icon1_unselected.png etc.
3. The menu set that will be displayed, will be the one at this path: usb/other/menu/live, so before disconnecting far, name one of your custom menu folders to "live"
4. Exit FAR, then start your phone.
5. In future to to change menus, simply rename one of the menu sets in the menu folder to "live", then restart the phone. To add new menus simply copy them using the usb cable or bluetooth to "phone memory/other/menu"

You only need to do this step if you want to create your own shortcuts for different named menu icons or to make the shortcuts point to another location for example card/others/menu/live (if you want to use your mem card instead of phone memory).
Included is the menu shortcut creation program. To use it, run a command prompt and type se_shortcut /path/file (where path is the path you want the shortcut to point to, and file is the name of the file you want the shortcut to point to.) You will end up with a file called file.@ (or whatever the name of the file you are pointing to example icon1_unselected.png.@)

file attached

*****Credit for this tutorial goes to MAX_WEDGE from Esato.com*****


******************END OF APPLYING ICONS TUTORIAL*****************
i have doubts about doing this because it's unclear