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Thread: w350 - r11ca002

  1. #1
    Top Moderators Diamond

    Joytike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thanked 170 Times in 143 Posts

    w350 - r11ca002

    I leave a good supply of patches that say what makes
    1.-changes the incoming call image
    2.-minimized changes to the Walkman w
    3.-speaker changes the image
    4.-changes the volume bar
    5.-changing image of outgoing call
    6.-activated switches bluthoot image
    7.-Sanal and battery changed by a sony ericsson logo
    8.-change battery in blue
    9.-signal changes to a blue circle
    10.-changes the image file transfer when connected to PC

    Attachment 8711
    Attachment 8719
    Attachment 8718
    Attachment 8717
    Attachment 8716
    Attachment 8715
    Attachment 8714
    Attachment 8713
    Attachment 8712
    Attachment 8720

    have the walkman 3.0 version 2

    Patch VKP;W350_R11CA002
    ;Cambiando interfaz del walkman 2.0 a walkman 3.0 V2
    C2C572: 0A 03;X1
    C2C576: A6 AD;X2
    C2C57A: 46 AA;Y1
    C2C57E: 48 AC;Y2
    C2C6CC: 7B 06;X1
    C2C6D6: A5 66;X2
    C2C6DC: 13 06;Y1
    C2C6E2: 3D 66;Y2
    C2CF1E: 13 21;Y1
    C2CF24: 7B 21;X1
    C2C59C: 98 9F; indentation from top to button back \ Start-stop \ forward (on the status bar)
    C2C5A4: 8E 96; indentation from top to button up (on the status bar)
    C2C5AE: A2 A9; indentation from top to button down (on the status bar)
    C2CD5C: 4B 9B;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CD62: 7F 86;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CD78: 4B 9B;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CD7E: 88 8F;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CDC6: 91 98;SEPARATOR X1
    C2CD94: 4B 9B;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CD9A: 94 9B;3RD CHAR X1
    C2CDB0: 4B 9B;4TH CHAR Y1
    C2CDB6: 9D A4;4TH CHAR X1
    ;------- "/" Separator:-------
    C2CAE0: 1F 50;Y pos
    C2CAE2: 48 8C;X pos
    ;Song, Artist, Album:
    C2C9AC: 5B 66; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C9A0: 5B 66; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C9B2: 20 19; Otstut from the left side
    C2C90E: 6C 78; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C91A: 6C 78; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C920: 20 19; Otstut from the left side
    C2CA08: 7D 85; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2CA14: 7D 85; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2CA1A: 20 19; Otstut from the left side
    ;Icons - Song, Artist, Album:
    C2C968: 5B 6A; Song Y1
    C2C96E: 0A 03; Song X1
    C2C8D0: 6C 77; Artist Y1
    C2C8D6: 0A 03; Artist X1
    C2C9D0: 7D 84; Album Y1
    C2C9D6: 0A 03; Album X1
    ;Icons - mode, shuffle and repeat:
    C2C858: 34 19;EQ Y1
    C2C85E: 55 80;EQ X1
    C2C8B2: 34 28;SHUF Y1
    C2C8B8: 3D 80;SHUF X1
    C2C876: 34 37;REPEAT Y1
    C2C878: 25 80;REPEAT X1
    ;Icons Start \ stop - next \ previous (above):
    C2C554: 06 6B;ne\pr X1
    C2C56E: 20 25;ne\pr Y1
    C2C558: 1A 7F;pl\st X1
    C2C55C: 20 25;pl\st Y1
    ;---Number of current song:---
    C2CA94: 1F 46;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CA9A: 24 6C;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CAB0: 1F 46;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CAB6: 30 78;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CACC: 1F 46;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CAD2: 3C 84;3RD CHAR X1
    ;--------all the songs:-------
    C2CB3C: 23 5A;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CB42: 53 92;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CB58: 23 5A;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CB5E: 5C 9C;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CB74: 23 5A;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CB7A: 65 A4;3RD CHAR X1
    C2C978: 20 2C; Song
    C2C979: 79 20
    C2C9E0: 20 11; Album
    C2C9E1: 78 20
    C2C8E2: 00 11; Actor
    C2C8E3: 7F 20
    ;---------Current Time-------------
    C2CC2C: 4B 9B;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CC32: 0A 03;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CC48: 4B 9B;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CC4E: 13 0C;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CC80: 4B 9B;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CC86: 28 21;3RD CHAR X1
    C2CC94: 4B 9B;4TH CHAR Y1
    C2CC96: 1C 15;4TH CHAR X1
    C2CC64: 4B 9B;SEPARATOR Y1
    C2CC6A: 1F 18;SEPARATOR X1

    Browser: web browser images Change
    Volume: volume bar good! Green
    Battery: Normal Type acids colors
    Bluetooth: The w350 with BT B on your screen!
    Equalizer: Black with yellow bars best

    Attachment 8725
    Attachment 8724
    Attachment 8723
    Attachment 8722
    Attachment 8721

    walkman 4.0

    Patch VKPParche VKP
    ;Cambiando interfaz del walkman 2.0 a walkman 4.0
    ;Seele (solo agrege el covertart)

    C2C572: 0A 00;X1
    C2C576: A6 B0;X2
    C2C57A: 46 25;Y1
    C2C57E: 48 27;Y2

    C2C6CC: 7B 1E;X1
    C2C6D6: A5 91;X2
    C2C6DC: 13 3B;Y1
    C2C6E2: 3D AE;Y2

    C2CF1E: 13 FF;Y1
    C2CF24: 7B FF;X1

    C2C59C: 98 9F; indentation from top to button back \ Start-stop \ forward (on the status bar)
    C2C5A4: 8E 96; indentation from top to button up (on the status bar)
    C2C5AE: A2 A9; indentation from top to button down (on the status bar)

    C2CD5C: 4B 28;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CD62: 7F 86;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CD78: 4B 28;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CD7E: 88 8F;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CDC4: 4B 28;SEPARATOR Y1
    C2CDC6: 91 98;SEPARATOR X1
    C2CD94: 4B 28;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CD9A: 94 9B;3RD CHAR X1
    C2CDB0: 4B 28;4TH CHAR Y1
    C2CDB6: 9D A4;4TH CHAR X1

    ;------- "/" Separator:-------
    C2CAE0: 1F FF;Y pos
    C2CAE2: 48 FF;X pos

    ;Song, Artist, Album:
    C2C9AC: 5B 00; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C9A0: 5B 00; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C9B2: 20 18; Otstut from the left side
    C2C90E: 6C 14; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C91A: 6C 14; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2C920: 20 18; Otstut from the left side
    C2CA08: 7D FF; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2CA14: 7D FF; departed from the top (of the status of the line)
    C2CA1A: 20 40; Otstut from the left side

    ;Icons - Song, Artist, Album:
    C2C968: 5B 01; Song Y1
    C2C96E: 0A 02; Song X1
    C2C8D0: 6C 14; Artist Y1
    C2C8D6: 0A 03; Artist X1
    C2C9D0: 7D EC; Album Y1
    C2C9D6: 0A 23; Album X1

    ;Icons - mode, shuffle and repeat:
    C2C858: 34 29;EQ Y1
    C2C85E: 55 01;EQ X1
    C2C8B2: 34 29;SHUF Y1
    C2C8B8: 3D 1E;SHUF X1
    C2C876: 34 29;REPEAT Y1
    C2C878: 25 39;REPEAT X1

    ;Icons Start \ stop - next \ previous (above):
    C2C554: 06 4A;ne\pr X1
    C2C56E: 20 B0;ne\pr Y1
    C2C558: 1A 61;pl\st X1
    C2C55C: 20 C5;pl\st Y1

    ;---Number of current song:---
    C2CA94: 1F FF;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CA9A: 24 FF;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CAB0: 1F FF;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CAB6: 30 FF;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CAD2: 3C FF;3RD CHAR X1

    ;--------all the songs:-------
    C2CB3C: 23 FF;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CB42: 53 FF;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CB58: 23 FF;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CB5E: 5C FF;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CB74: 23 FF;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CB7A: 65 FF;3RD CHAR X1

    C2C978: 20 2C; Song
    C2C979: 79 20
    C2C9E0: 20 11; Album
    C2C9E1: 78 20
    C2C8E2: 00 11; Actor
    C2C8E3: 7F 20

    ;---------Current Time-------------
    C2CC2C: 4B FF;1ST CHAR Y1
    C2CC32: 0A FF;1ST CHAR X1
    C2CC48: 4B FF;2ND CHAR Y1
    C2CC4E: 13 FF;2ND CHAR X1
    C2CC80: 4B FF;3RD CHAR Y1
    C2CC86: 28 FF;3RD CHAR X1
    C2CC94: 4B FF;4TH CHAR Y1
    C2CC96: 1C FF;4TH CHAR X1

    And skin´s for Wolkman 4.0

    Attachment 8726

    unlock patch

    Patch VKP;w350 R11CA002
    ;Remove SIM-Lock
    ;(c) IronMaster
    ;(p) ivanzxzx
    204457D8: 30B5041C00231A1C111C1C20FCF4 F0B505213A2293F4EFFA0020F0BD

    Ability to add all sorts of music files to the playlist

    Patch VKP;W350 SW-R11CA002
    ;Posibilidad de añadir todo tipo de archivos de música a la lista de reproduccion
    ;Archivos: amr, mid, midi, mp3, wma, m4a, 3gp, mp4
    ;© Therion
    ;original idea by jamesbond22
    ;(p) NICO37 / to w350

    moving folders ifs/settings/camera --- card/other/camera

    Patch VKP;w350 R11CA002
    ;Mueve ifs/settings/camera --- card/other/camera

    Patch VKP;W350 R11CA002
    ;Reemplaza duración sonido SMS
    ;(C) svinuk
    ;(?) HierOS, svinuk, unknown1277
    ;(p) Jack017

    Leaves in the list of sending only Bluetooth

    Patch VKP;W350 R11CA002
    ;Leaves in the list of sending only Bluetooth
    ;Deja Solo La Opcion Eviar Mediante Bluetooth En El Administrador De Archivos
    ;v. 1fix
    ;(c) IronMaster
    ;(p) Jack017

    Clear message Run now when installing Java

    Patch VKP;W350 R11CA002
    ;Clear message Run now when installing Java
    ;Quita El Mensje Ejecutar Ahora Al Instalar Java
    ;© -=Alex=-
    ;(P) Jack017

    Radio without headsets

    Patch VKP;W350 R11CA002
    ;????? ??? ?????????
    ;Radio without headsets
    ;Radio Sin Manos Libres
    ;(?) SiNgle
    ;(p) Jack017

    Change the position of the blue menu by pressing softkey.

    Patch VKP;W350_R11CA002
    ; Change the position of the blue menu by pressing softkey.
    FAB766: 1204 1204 ;Y2
    FAB768: 1204 0914 ;X2
    FAB76A: 3904 0904 ;Y1
    FAB76C: 0914 5014 ;X1
    FAB76E: 201C 301C ;align

    Credits to the creators
    Last edited by Joytike; 09-23-2011 at 11:22 PM.

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  3. #2
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    Re: w350 - r11ca002

    DUDE.. PLZ help,
    I had a unlocked version of SE W350i , which i flashed yesterday and now it is locked.. I want to patch with the SIM unlocker.
    Can u help me how can i patch it. In jd flasher it 2 options oflash and ofs . PLZ help nd give a working link.
    Thanks in advance..

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