AllLock 2.5en
(c) Scghost
(ELF Chinese, making competition to the Russians) (info. Miguel8e)
ELF patch similar to confidentiality, only that this allows you to change the password, lock or unlock addition to the File Manager and Contact, applicators! (Walkman or Video Player, Not Java, at least not as I found), and the BOOKMANAGER! Until ini you can block.
The name of blockades can be edited by the name of what was intended to block.
Example: The blockade Number 9 this well:
[LOCK_09]: 0x01; Browser Book; InternetServices
We can edit it like this:
[LOCK_09]: 0x01; MM_BrowserAutogenPlaylistBook; Reprod. Video (Thanks Myrzeug).
In the Setup menu change "InternetServices" with "Play. Video" to activate the lock listing of videos (VCR)
All in real time.
You do not need to update lib (I am of 200808 for w580 R8BE001). Note some volatility since sometimes called the pass or sometimes not at the camera and the Walkman, (I hope someone find out because, perhaps my Lib), auqnue after each use a while I worked very well and I asked the good pass.
There is no need to remove the Confidentiality, as it calls the first pass of Confidentiality and after the AllLock.
The INI:
;[LOCK_0X]: 0x01(lock) or 0x00(unlock); bookname; menuname
[PASSWORD]: 123456
[LOCK_00]: 0x01; KeylockBook; Keylock
[LOCK_01]: 0x01; MediaPlayer_Video_Book; VideoPlayer
[LOCK_02]: 0x01; AudioPlayerBook; AudioPlayer
[LOCK_03]: 0x00; BookManager; BookManager
[LOCK_04]: 0x00; DataBrowserBook; FileManager
[LOCK_05]: 0x01; PB_UI_DataList_bk; Contacts
[LOCK_06]: 0x01; PB_UI_CallListBook; Calls
[LOCK_07]: 0x01; MSG UI Book; Msg_Inbox
[LOCK_08]: 0x01; CameraBook; Camera
[LOCK_09]: 0x01; Browser Book; InternetServices
update to 14 sep 2008